HOW Church Ministry Development Program (MDP)

The HOW Ministry Development Program (MDP) is committed to developing and cultivating the God-given ministry gifts through formal and structured training.  It is our mission to do everything possible through Spirit-led means to equip others break through every barrier that impedes others from pursuing God wholeheartedly.

Ready to pursue your calling at another level?

Complete and submit the ministry application below.  Once completed, your application will be reviewed and our Ministry Team will contact you with next steps. Please understand that not everyone is approved.  The application is intended to begin the process of understanding where you are and what may be your next steps in ministry.  We take special care to ensure that there has been sufficient time in ministry with us, a health level of current ministry involvement, and that there is the strong fit with the HOW Church ministry culture.  We can't wait to serve with you!

Ministry Development Program Application

Just fill out the application below to get started...